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Vitamin B12 and Lipo-B12 Boost

Vitamin B12 boost!

15 min
From 25 US dollars

Service Description

Benefits of Vitamin B12 Injections A vitamin B12 injection can activate immediate health benefits for you. It increases energy levels, concentration, improves metabolism, boosts the immune system, and aids in restful sleep. A vitamin B12 injection really is the way to go. The frequency of a B12 boost can range from multiple times a week to as little as once every other week or so, as needed of course. Vitamin B12 is necessary for RBC production, neurological function, DNA and RNA production, energy production, fat and protein metabolism. Benefits: - Improves energy level and mood - Aids in the ability to concentrate - Reduces depression - Reduces cognitive decline and dementia in older adults - Aids in sleep hygiene This is considered to be the "fat-burning shot". The Lipo-B12 is great alone, as an add-on to any weight loss program. The LIPO-B (MIC+B12) shot includes Cyanocobalamin B12, Methionine, Inositol, and Choline used for fat loss. Lipotropic agents work with the breakdown of fat during metabolism: Promoting weight loss while also providing essential detoxification benefits. Cyanocobalamin: Vitamin B12 is necessary for RBC production, neurological function, DNA production, energy production, fat and protein metabolism. Methionine: L- Methionine is an essential amino acid and one of the building blocks for proteins. It must be obtained through external source as this is not produced by the body. Methionine contains Sulfur, which is valuable for strengthening hair, nails, and cartilage. Sulfur provided by methionine protects cells from pollutants and slows cell aging. It also acts as a lipotropic agent by preventing excess liver fat buildup. L-Methionine is important for the process of eliminating fat as it is a required to produce cysteine and taurine, which help the body eliminate toxins. Inositol: Inositol is a small molecule with structural similarities to glucose, however, able to be synthesized. It is a vitamin-like compound sometimes said to belong to B-complex vitamins. Inositol is useful for cellular signaling, growth and increased fat metabolism. When used in combination with other compounds in a MIC injection, inositol forms lecithin. Lecithin is a substance that is known to aid in weight loss and the metabolism of fat. Choline: Choline is an essential nutrient that is produced in the liver. Choline is an important precursor of acetylcholine. It functions as a methyl donor and assists in detoxification reactions within the liver. Cho

Contact Details

  • 24735 West Eames Street unit 10, Channahon, IL, USA

    (815) 200-6993

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